Hi All,
We are happy to announce that Python(x, y) is available for immediate download. Almost all plugins were updated as well several new ones were added. The most notable are:
- The long awaited update of IPython to v0.13.1 (with ipdb extension).
- ITK/VTK (with VTKGlue restored).
- The Enthought Tool Suite (with enaml).
- Numpy.
- SciPy.
- and many scikits* packages.
As always all packages come as feature complete as possible with up to date documentation, examples and bug fixes.
The next major milestone is the much requested 64-bit support based on Python v2.7.3. Although Python v3.3.0 is promising, too many must have packages are not available for it (Scipy).
Please head over to the download page for download links. There is no update available as the Python distribution was updated.
- Gabi Davar
Version (10/30/2012)
- virtualenv - Creates isolated Python environments.
- SQLAlchemy - The Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.
- pyzmq - Python bindings for ØMQ. ØMQ is a lightweight and fast messaging implementation. A dependency of IPython>=0.12
- Tornado - An open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed?. A dependency of IPython>=0.12
- ply upgraded to standard plagin status. It is a dependency of Enthought's enaml.
- NumPy? 1.6.2
- Spyder 2.1.11
- SWIG 2.0.8
- PyQt? 4.9.4
- PyQwt?
- QtHelp? 4.8.2
- xlrd 0.8.0
- docutils 0.9.1
- SciTE 3.2.2-1
- psutils 0.6.1
- rst2pdf 0.92
- IPython 0.13.1-1
- GDAL 1.9.2-2
- PP 1.6.2
- OpenCV 2.4.2
- Matplotlib 1.1.1
- statsmodels 0.4.3
- scikits.image 0.7.2-1
- NetworkX 1.7
- pandas 0.9.0-1
- PyFITS 3.1
- Console
- MinGW
- gettext
- Cython 0.17.1
- xy 1.2.15
- ETS 4.2.0-1
- cx_Freeze 4.3
- simplejson 2.6.2-1
- Distribute 0.6.30-1
- Veusz 1.16
- pyzmq
- VTK 5.10.0
- pylint 0.26-1
- guidata 1.5.0
- guiqwt 2.2.0
- Pip 1.2.1
- PyWavelets? 0.2.2
- PyOpenGL 3.0.2-1
- PyTables? 2.4.0
- scikits-learn 0.12.1-1
- Torando 2.4
- ITK 4.2.0
- nose 1.2.1
- SciPy? 0.11.0
- netcdf4 1.0.1
- ReportLab? 2.6
- h5py 2.1.0
- Pywin32 218-1
- SymPy? 0.7.2-1
- SQLAlchemy 0.7.9-1
- virtualenv 1.8.2-1
- pydicom 0.9.7-1
- openpyxl 1.6.1-1
- Issue 49 : problem on the help system
- Issue 470 : Environment Variables Were not cleaned up on uninstall
- Issue 380 : Please re-include itkVtkGlue in itk 3.20.0 python package
- Issue 471 : Silent Uninstall doesn't remove the uninstaller and the directory
- Issue 477 : AutoIt? binaries detected as malware
- Issue 542 : ctraits missing in mayavi